Bottled Water vs Filtered Water: Which one is Better?

There are several pros and cons to bottled water versus filtered water and we will evaluate the benefits to both sides of the argument. The convenience of bottled water is undeniable and the ability to store large quantities adds to the mobility advantages. But filtered water is definitely cheaper and on the healthier side. We’ll weigh these factors against each other and come up with a decision as to which is the better option: bottled water or filtered water. 

Bottled Water vs. Filtered Water on the Environment

One of the many downsides to bottled water is its effect on the environment. Scientists have found the impact of bottled water on natural resources is 3,500 times higher than for tap water. In the United States, 17 million barrels of oil are needed to produce the plastic to meet annual bottled water demand. That demand has only increased due to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Even more, not all plastic bottles are recyclable. Only 20% of bottles in the world are actually able to be recycled, causing strains on landfills and the climate as a whole. Much of the plastic that humans produce end up in either landfills or in nature, according to a 2017 study. Also, in 2010 alone, up to 12 million metric tons were dumped into the world’s oceans. In that study, the author Sherri Mason concluded that bottled water is not only deceiving with its marketing, but it is wholly and significantly less healthy than tap water, let alone filtered water.

“Bottled water is marketed as though it’s cleaner than tap, but numerous studies show it’s definitely not cleaner,” Mason says. “Based on all the data we have, you’re going to be drinking significantly less plastic from tap water out of a glass than if you go and buy bottled water.”

On the contrary, many of the filtered water solutions can be recycled. Moreover, a Whole House Filtration system is a long-term answer to a problem that has existed for a long time. 

Basin Water Solutions provides both a Whole House Filtration system as well as Water Treatment for your household. Both serve as potential permanent answers as opposed to the endless need to purchase bottled water every week or month. Also, Reverse Osmosis systems do not require electricity, continuing the theme that water filtration doesn’t put a strain on the environment. 

What is the Cost?

Bottled water is mostly consumed by 16.9-ounce bottles and according to the American Water Works Association, the price per gallon comes out to $7.50, which is nearly 2,000 times the cost of a gallon of tap water. As other factors besides the production of the water and the bottle itself increase, a wealth of other factors are influencing costs. 

Recently, Costco announced that it expected several products to rise in price, particularly bottled water, due to a rise in “labor costs, higher freight costs, higher transportation demand, along with the container shortage and port delays.” 

Across the world, humans buy about one million plastic bottles per minute. Americans buy approximately 50 billion bottles of water each year. 

Basin Water Solutions offers Water Treatment to filter that tap water. Basin Water Solutions has many models and sizes of water softeners to choose from, all with different features and capacities. We have water softeners for every budget and will work hard to find the best solution for you and your family. We also offer financing, rentals, and lease-to-purchase options to make your purchase easy. 

So compared to the pricey costs of bottled water, water treatment will save you bundles of money in both the short and long term. Reverse Osmosis is another type of filtration that is by far much cheaper than bottled water. The pre-filters and post-filters will need to be replaced biannually to annually, but depending on the model of the RO, the annual cost is between $0.30 to $0.60 a day.

Health Concerns

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, bottled water can pose significant health risks, especially to people with weakened immune systems. People with HIV, diabetes, organ transplants or going through chemotherapy, should take special precautions with the water they drink. 

The parasite Cryptosporidium can cause chronic or severe illness and even life-threatening symptoms in people with weakened immune systems. Furthermore, bottled water can cause gastrointestinal illness, reproductive problems and neurological disorders. 

Microplastics are also a serious threat to your health due to the bottle. According to a study from Frontiers in Chemistry, samples taken from 259 bottled waters sold in several countries found that 93% of them contained “microplastic” synthetic polymer particles. These microplastics have shown to have toxic effects on humans. 

Meanwhile, filtered water via RO removes Chloramine, Chlorine, Fluoride, Pesticides, Nitrates and Sulfates. Most RO systems developed for use in residential applications involve processing the water through several stages of filtration to produce a high-quality drinking water. There are several systems that may have anywhere from three-stage filtration up to six-plus stage filtration. Most systems involve multiple filters that include 5 micron sediment and activated carbon prefilters prior to the water flowing through the membrane. 

The most popular five-stage 50 Gallon per day RO system processes the water through three separate pre-filtration filters that remove organic contaminants, particulates, chlorine, and its by-products. Next the water flows through the reverse osmosis membrane, a very-tightly wound sheet filter, that rejects dissolved solids and a long list of other impurities to the drain and allows filtered water to pass to a storage tank. When the dedicated faucet that is installed on the sink countertop is opened, the filtered water from the storage tank flows through a final stage post carbon filter to polish the taste.


Bottled water is not only bad for the environment and expensive, but its impact on the human body is immense. Filtered water has the clear advantage in all three areas and Basin Water Solutions can help you set up your Reverse Osmosis system or Whole House Filtration system to get you started saving money, helping the environment and living a healthier life. 

Our Services:

Whole House Water Filtration and Water Softeners

Water Treatment

Reverse Osmosis

Commercial Water Treatment

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